Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 710

Chapter 710


After taking a few steps, Sabrina abruptly came to a halt and turned to face Tyrone, who appeared awkward.

You dont have to follow us, she told Tyrone icily.

Tyrone was taken aback and fell silent.

Then she bent down to Jennies eye level and asked, Hey, would you Like to spend the whole day with me?

Jennie cast a glance at Tyrone and then made a pouting expression, saying, Cant Uncle join us? I want to spend time with both of you.

Tyrone looked at Sabrina with a hopeful expression. Sabrina

Sabrina put her hand on Jennies shoulder and explained gently, Jennie, your uncle and I are divorced now. He might have a new family someday, so its not suitable for us to be together all the time.

Otherwise, his future wife might not be happy.

Although Tyrone wanted to offer some explanation, Sabrina gave him a warning Look.

But to his surprise, Jennie retorted, Uncle Tyrone, are you going to be with someone else someday? Didnt you say Aunt Sabrina is your babe and you only love her? You lied to me! Humph! I dont want to talk to you anymore!

Sabrina was momentarily rendered speechless.

Her cheeks instantly turned a rosy shade of red, betraying her embarrassment .

Why did Jennie say that?

What was wrong with Tyrone? Why would he bring something like that up in front of a child?

Tyrone was equally shocked. He didnt expect that Jennie would say something like that.

This girl was so clever.

Then, is Aunt Sabrina your babe? Jennie Looked back and forth between Sabrina and Tyrone.

Tyrone Looked at Sabrina with gentle eyes. When he was about to explain, Sabrina pinched him on the waist and warned him with a Look.

Dont say anything inappropriate in front of Jennie! she mouthed.

Aunt, why did you pinch Uncle? Jennie noticed the gesture.

Sabrina found herself in a predicament. But she quickly turned to a white Lie and said, Oh, that wasnt a pinch. There was a bug on his clothes.

